Thursday, April 24, 2008

Having a Back Up Plan

Since my husband and I work from home by producing website content (, we can live pretty much anywhere we want that provides internet access. This is especially nice for spending more time with our son, and the flexibility our jobs offer, give us advantages that can't be found in most other careers.

Although this is a great opportunity for us and we’re doing very well being self employed, I realize how important it is to have a back up plan. After all, just because business gets slow doesn’t mean the bills slow down. Living in Hawaii is just like living anywhere else in the world and having an income is essential in keeping a roof over our heads.

We’ve worked the office jobs, call center jobs, sales jobs and corporate jobs and I have to tell you, we hated every minute of it! Perhaps that’s one reason we’re still best friends after 8 years of marriage… among other reasons.

That’s not to say we’re not able and willing to do what it takes to put food on our table.

In fact, I don’t think there is anything we won’t do in order to support our family comfortably. This fact is one of the reasons we chose to move to the Big Island of Hawaii. Something special that Hawaii has to offer us is the opportunity to live off of the land and create multiple streams of income while still enjoying where we live.

We already have pineapple, avocado, coconut, papaya and guava tress waiting for us at our new Big Island Home. In addition, a vegetable garden that grows multiple varieties of lettuce, tomatoes, spices and other goodies are waiting for us to tend to. I plan to add to the garden with cucumbers, strawberries and bell peppers.

Our new home also utilizes a water catchment system that lets us use plenty of free, filtered water without having to contribute to the numerous drought problems our Country faces on a yearly basis.

The numerous farmer’s markets on the East side of the Big Island can help to supply us with both the opportunity to purchase the things we don’t grow ourselves at a great price, and to sell our own overstocked fruits and vegetables to friends and visitors of the area.

My husband has extensive experience being an executive chef in multiple different restaurants, and since Hawaii is known for its tourist oriented economy he should have no problem finding work in this area. He has also previously worked as a business consultant and should not have a problem consulting in Hawaii. More and more small businesses are started on the Big Island every day, so this niche is very penetrable.

As for myself, I will always work from home as a writer and will be able to generate an income from it. In fact, the Big Island of Hawaii offers me an entirely new way to market my services and gain new clients. New businesses, tour companies, vacation rentals, restaurants and surf shops among others always have an interest in marketing. I will also attend the Community college to study early childhood development and eventually attend the University to earn a teaching degree.

Our son is 14 years old and just recently told me a story about a 16 year old friend of his who doesn’t have a job or their driver’s license. He didn’t seem to understand why a 16 year old wouldn’t want to make some money and get their driver’s license! He plans to find a small part time job after getting acquainted with his new home. He wants to drive a moped and make enough money to support the extra curricular activities he’d like to do that we won’t pay for. (He can’t have everything on our dime! J )

He’s a good kid with an optimistic attitude like his old mom, and who sees the silver lining on just about everything. He’s naturally empathetic and is always concerned of other people’s feelings. I have no doubt he’ll succeed and benefit from living in Hawaii. In the end, this experience is something most people wouldn’t have the guts to do in a lifetime. We don’t plan to just dream about it, we plan to live it. We’ll live every bit of it; the good, the bad and the ugly… and we’ll be sure to say a polite hello to Pele everyday!

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