Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sealing the Deal

It’s just about official! We’ve got the lease in our hands for our new home on the Big Island of Hawaii, and we’ll be signing it tomorrow and sending it to the home owners with our deposit on Monday.

It’s still pretty surreal, you know, the whole move and all.

My husband’s brother was out for the weekend to celebrate his birthday that was last weekend.. my brother’s birthday was last weekend too and with my husband’s 3 brothers, our parents and all of our kids, we don’t get one month without a birthday!

Anyway, we’ve talked quite a bit with them about our move and it just helps to make it seem that much more real. My mother and brother live downstairs from us (It’s a duplex of sorts…) and are about to move to or near Bremerton, near my aunt.

So every day that seems to pass by, I am reminded more and more about this life changing event that is only a couple of months away. I get cold feet every now and then, so I can’t wait to get the lease and deposit sent off on Monday. This will eliminate that entire possibility so maybe I can focus on the exciting part of the move!

Leaving my family is the hardest part of this experience for me. I’m 31 years old and never lived away from my mother and brother more than 6 months at a time in my life!

But to me, this all adds that much more meaning to my new adventure in life. I’m spreading my wings, and most importantly I’m affording my son an experience most mainland children will never get; a real lesson in life and culture, and the way these cultures deal with each other.

I feel this to be extremely important, because too many times do we grow up totally oblivious to real life issues here on the mainland. There are no worries about anything that goes on around you, just the here and now. The success and money made is more important than the quality of life you lead.

I’m not expecting Hawaii to be some dream place to live where merry little sugar plums dance through everyone’s head all the time… but if I have to live in a World that has imperfections no matter where I am, I’d like to live in Hawaii, thank you very much.

There are no plans to move back if times get tough, there are no escape route maps made. Although we haven’t lived all over the United States, I feel safe in saying that my experience in Colorado, Utah, Texas, Las Vegas, California, Washington and Oregon, we’re able to adapt to our surroundings which I believe will take us a long way.

This fact also enables me to feel confident that no matter the trials and tribulations that lie ahead, we can overcome and adapt to them. On top of the fascinating life of the land, trees, lava and ocean we’ll be able to realistically balance the good with the bad as long as we strive not to take things for granted, and really stop to “smell the roses” every day.

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